
I hit a milestone today. It’s a big one for me personally, and I suppose it means more to me than it does to anyone else, but nevertheless, I’m excited about it.

I have this pair of leather pants, see. I bought them as a high school graduation present to myself. Well, when I graduated high school, I was around 190 pounds (I know, because I still have the driver’s license to prove it). So I haven’t been able to wear these pants in years. I decided that, given how much weight I’ve lost, I wanted to go ahead and try them on, knowing full well that they might not fit me yet. I was ok with that. Still, when I reached for them just a few moments ago, it was with no small amount of trepidation.

I put one foot into one leg and pulled them up. …there was plenty of room, which surprised me. So far, so good.

I put the other foot in the other leg (and no, I did not shake anything “all around”) and brought the two sides of the fly together.

…these bitches are actually a little loose. They’re a size 18, and they’re fricking loose.

…right, so. I guess I know of a garment that will be entering into my regular concert wear rotation.

I have no idea what I presently weigh. When I checked on my usual day this past Saturday, I was still over 200 pounds. But still. My pants fit. Holy shit.

(Next step: Exercising such that I actually have some shape to my backside instead of pancake-butt.)

Anyway, I’m excited and thought I would share.

Oh, and before I forget, yesterday was actually another milestone. I willingly went for a walk in—*gasp*—shorts. Like, in public. And I was comfortable in them. And actually they’re insanely baggy, too.

For those of you who don’t know me well enough to understand why this is a big deal, I have not worn pants or pants-like garments in public since…2007? 2006? Anyway, I’ve been making my own clothes—all skirts—for the better part of a decade now and eschewing any garments with legs in favor of comfort. Partially I just wanted to hide the flabby bits by draping them in fabric—I really don’t care for the way I look in straight-leg pants—and partially I was so big that I couldn’t find any pants loose enough to be comfortable. (Though when I started wearing skirts full-time, it was originally because I really just love swathing myself in yards and yards of flowy, pretty fabrics. It’s a nice, simple way to make every day feel a little elegant.)

Today I went for another walk in shorts. I don’t know that I’ll start wearing things that aren’t skirts full-time again any time ever, much less soon—skirts are just way too much damn fun—but it is nice to be able to be out in public in shorts again without feeling horrendously embarrassed.

I hope everyone is having as awesome an evening as I am.